Busqueda e interpretación de imágenes
1. Explica las características de los sensores de Meteost y el tipo de información que se puede obtener con ellos a partir de las imágenes
Composite image of visible information: red for the 1.6 µm near infrared channel, green for the 0.8 µm visible channel, and blue for the 0.6 µm visible channel. Turquoise cloud signals the presence of ice particles, whereas white cloud is liquid. Snow on the ground is turquoise. The large white patch over north-eastearn Europe is fog or stratocumuli, sharply contrasting with snowed areas south of it. Channel 1.6 creates that contrast. Vegetated surface shows green, due to its absorption properties in the visible range. Sandy or granitic areas are pink. |
Forest Fires in Portugal and Spain in August 2003 The image below of forest fires in Portugal and Spain was taken on 04 August 2003. A more detailed description is given below the pictures. |
Convection over the Alps |
2. Descarga y trata de incorporar a un SIG una imagen de Murcia del Global Land 1-KM AVHRR Project.
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3. Descarga y trata de incorporar a un SIG una imagen cercana a Murcia del SIR-C.